Anthophora squammulosa Dours, 1869:78, Lectotype ♀ (Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, France), designated by Orr et al., 2014Orr, M.C., J.B. Koch, T.L. Griswold & J.P. Pitts 2014. Taxonomic utility of niche models in validating species concepts: A case study in Anthophora (Heliophila) (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Zootaxa 3846 (3):411-429.:420; Orr et al., 2018Orr, M.C., J.P. Pitts & T. Griswold 2018. Revision of the bee group Anthophora (Micranthophora) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), with notes on potential conservation concerns and a molecular phylogeny of the genus. Zootaxa 4511 (1):1-193.:124, Lectotype ♀ (MNHN). - Cresson, 1879Cresson, E.T. 1879. Catalogue of North American Apidae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society and Proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences 7:215-232. (distribution); Cockerell, 1899Cockerell, T.D.A. 1899. Catálogo de las Abejas de Mexico. Biblioteca Agricola de las Secretaria de Fomento, Mexico, 1-20. (distribution); Cockerell, 1906Cockerell, T.D.A. 1906. The North American bees of the family Anthophoridae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 32 (1):63-116. (distribution); Lutz & Cockerell, 1920Lutz, F.E. & T.D.A. Cockerell 1920. Notes on the distribution and bibliography of North American bees of the families, Apidae, Meliponidae, Bombidae, Euglossidae, and Anthophoridae. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist 42 (15):491-641. (distribution); Ayala, 1988Ayala, R. 1988. Abejas silvestres (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) de Chamela, Jalisco, México. Folia Entomológica Mexicana 77:395-493. (distribution); Vergara & Ayala, 2002Vergara, C.H. & R. Ayala 2002. Diversity, Phenology and Biogeography of the bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) of Zapotitlán de las Salinas, Puebla, Mexico. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 75 (1):16-30. (distribution); Yáñez-Ordóñez & Hinojosa-Díaz, 2004Yáñez-Ordóñez, O. & I. Hinojosa-Díaz 2004. La colección himenopterológica (Insecta) del Museo de Zoología Alfonso L. Herrera de la Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, México. Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie) 20 (1):167-197. (distribution); Orr et al., 2014Orr, M.C., J.B. Koch, T.L. Griswold & J.P. Pitts 2014. Taxonomic utility of niche models in validating species concepts: A case study in Anthophora (Heliophila) (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Zootaxa 3846 (3):411-429. (distribution); Orr et al., 2018Orr, M.C., J.P. Pitts & T. Griswold 2018. Revision of the bee group Anthophora (Micranthophora) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), with notes on potential conservation concerns and a molecular phylogeny of the genus. Zootaxa 4511 (1):1-193. (distribution); Sagot et al., 2018Sagot, P, J. Mérida, R. Ayala & R. Vandame 2018. Situación actual del conocimiento de la fauna de abejas (Apoidea: Anthophila) del estado de Chiapas, México. In: (Ed.). Memorias X Congreso Mesoamericano sobre Abejas Nativas. 191-2011. (distribution); Nava-Bolaños & Osorio-Olvera, 2022Nava-Bolaños, A. & L. Osorio-Olvera 2022. Estado del arte del conocimiento de biodiversidad de los polinizadores de México. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 93:1-77. (distribution). - As Podalirius squamulosus: - Dalla Torre, 1896Dalla Torre, C.G. 1896. Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus, X. Apidae (Anthophila). Sumptibus Guilelmi Engelmann, 1-643. (distribution), 291 (comb. nov.).
Anthophora usticauda Cockerell, 1912:22, ♀. 1 ♀, Amatitlan, Guatemala, Feb. 5, 1912 (leg. W.P. Cockerell); 4 ♀♀ (type), Antigua, Guatemala (leg. W.P. Cockerell); Orr et al., 2014Orr, M.C., J.B. Koch, T.L. Griswold & J.P. Pitts 2014. Taxonomic utility of niche models in validating species concepts: A case study in Anthophora (Heliophila) (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Zootaxa 3846 (3):411-429.:420, Lectotype ♀ (National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA); Orr et al., 2018Orr, M.C., J.P. Pitts & T. Griswold 2018. Revision of the bee group Anthophora (Micranthophora) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), with notes on potential conservation concerns and a molecular phylogeny of the genus. Zootaxa 4511 (1):1-193.:124, Holotype ♀ (USNM, type 23248). Synonymized with Anthophora squammulosa Dours, 1869 by Orr et al., 2014Orr, M.C., J.B. Koch, T.L. Griswold & J.P. Pitts 2014. Taxonomic utility of niche models in validating species concepts: A case study in Anthophora (Heliophila) (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Zootaxa 3846 (3):411-429.:420. - Lutz & Cockerell, 1920Lutz, F.E. & T.D.A. Cockerell 1920. Notes on the distribution and bibliography of North American bees of the families, Apidae, Meliponidae, Bombidae, Euglossidae, and Anthophoridae. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist 42 (15):491-641. (distribution); Cockerell, 1946Cockerell, T.D.A. 1946. New species and subspecies collected in a month in Guatemala. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 54 (3):203-206. (distribution); Cockerell, 1949Cockerell, T.D.A. 1949. Bees from Central America, principally Honduras. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 98 (No. 3233):429-490. (distribution); Orr et al., 2018Orr, M.C., J.P. Pitts & T. Griswold 2018. Revision of the bee group Anthophora (Micranthophora) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), with notes on potential conservation concerns and a molecular phylogeny of the genus. Zootaxa 4511 (1):1-193.:124 ( listed as synonym of Anthophora squammulosa Dours, 1869).
Anthophora usticauda cinerior Cockerell, 1949:470, Orr et al., 2014Orr, M.C., J.B. Koch, T.L. Griswold & J.P. Pitts 2014. Taxonomic utility of niche models in validating species concepts: A case study in Anthophora (Heliophila) (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Zootaxa 3846 (3):411-429.:421, Lectotype ♀ (National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA, No. 58873); Orr et al., 2018Orr, M.C., J.P. Pitts & T. Griswold 2018. Revision of the bee group Anthophora (Micranthophora) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), with notes on potential conservation concerns and a molecular phylogeny of the genus. Zootaxa 4511 (1):1-193.:124, Holotype ♀ (USNM, type 58873). Synonymized with Anthophora squammulosa Dours, 1869 by Orr et al., 2014Orr, M.C., J.B. Koch, T.L. Griswold & J.P. Pitts 2014. Taxonomic utility of niche models in validating species concepts: A case study in Anthophora (Heliophila) (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Zootaxa 3846 (3):411-429.:421. - Cockerell, 1949Cockerell, T.D.A. 1949. Bees from Central America, principally Honduras. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 98 (No. 3233):429-490. (distribution); Orr et al., 2018Orr, M.C., J.P. Pitts & T. Griswold 2018. Revision of the bee group Anthophora (Micranthophora) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), with notes on potential conservation concerns and a molecular phylogeny of the genus. Zootaxa 4511 (1):1-193.:124 ( listed as synonym of Anthophora squammulosa Dours, 1869).
Anthophora franciscana Cockerell, 1949:470, ♀. Holotype ♀, Honduras: San Francisco finca, Zamorano Valley, November (U.S.N.M., No. 58874, leg. Vidales); Orr et al., 2014Orr, M.C., J.B. Koch, T.L. Griswold & J.P. Pitts 2014. Taxonomic utility of niche models in validating species concepts: A case study in Anthophora (Heliophila) (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Zootaxa 3846 (3):411-429.:421, Holotype ♀ (National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA, No. 58874); Orr et al., 2018Orr, M.C., J.P. Pitts & T. Griswold 2018. Revision of the bee group Anthophora (Micranthophora) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), with notes on potential conservation concerns and a molecular phylogeny of the genus. Zootaxa 4511 (1):1-193.:124, Holotype ♀ (USNM, ENT 00534150). Synonymized with Anthophora squammulosa Dours, 1869 by Orr et al., 2014Orr, M.C., J.B. Koch, T.L. Griswold & J.P. Pitts 2014. Taxonomic utility of niche models in validating species concepts: A case study in Anthophora (Heliophila) (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Zootaxa 3846 (3):411-429.:421. - Orr et al., 2018Orr, M.C., J.P. Pitts & T. Griswold 2018. Revision of the bee group Anthophora (Micranthophora) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), with notes on potential conservation concerns and a molecular phylogeny of the genus. Zootaxa 4511 (1):1-193.:124 ( listed as synonym of Anthophora squammulosa Dours, 1869).
Anthophora zamoranella Cockerell, 1949:471, ♂. Holotype ♂, Honduras: Zamorano, November 23, 1946 (U.S.N.M., No. 58875, leg. W. P. Cockerell); Orr et al., 2014Orr, M.C., J.B. Koch, T.L. Griswold & J.P. Pitts 2014. Taxonomic utility of niche models in validating species concepts: A case study in Anthophora (Heliophila) (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Zootaxa 3846 (3):411-429.:421, Holotype ♂ (National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA, No. 58875); Orr et al., 2018Orr, M.C., J.P. Pitts & T. Griswold 2018. Revision of the bee group Anthophora (Micranthophora) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), with notes on potential conservation concerns and a molecular phylogeny of the genus. Zootaxa 4511 (1):1-193.:124, Holotype ♂ (USNM, type 58875). Synonymized with Anthophora squammulosa Dours, 1869 by Orr et al., 2014Orr, M.C., J.B. Koch, T.L. Griswold & J.P. Pitts 2014. Taxonomic utility of niche models in validating species concepts: A case study in Anthophora (Heliophila) (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Zootaxa 3846 (3):411-429.:421. - Orr et al., 2018Orr, M.C., J.P. Pitts & T. Griswold 2018. Revision of the bee group Anthophora (Micranthophora) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), with notes on potential conservation concerns and a molecular phylogeny of the genus. Zootaxa 4511 (1):1-193.:124 ( listed as synonym of Anthophora squammulosa Dours, 1869).
Anthophora bispinosa Cockerell, 1949:472, ♂. Holotype ♂, Honduras: San Francisco finca, Zamorano Valley, November 10, 1946 (U.S.N.M., No. 58877, leg. Cockerell); Orr et al., 2014Orr, M.C., J.B. Koch, T.L. Griswold & J.P. Pitts 2014. Taxonomic utility of niche models in validating species concepts: A case study in Anthophora (Heliophila) (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Zootaxa 3846 (3):411-429.:421, Holotype ♂ (National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA, No. 58877); Orr et al., 2018Orr, M.C., J.P. Pitts & T. Griswold 2018. Revision of the bee group Anthophora (Micranthophora) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), with notes on potential conservation concerns and a molecular phylogeny of the genus. Zootaxa 4511 (1):1-193.:124, Holotype ♂ (USNM, ENT 00534145). Synonymized with Anthophora squammulosa Dours, 1869 by Orr et al., 2014Orr, M.C., J.B. Koch, T.L. Griswold & J.P. Pitts 2014. Taxonomic utility of niche models in validating species concepts: A case study in Anthophora (Heliophila) (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Zootaxa 3846 (3):411-429.:421. - Cockerell, 1949Cockerell, T.D.A. 1949. Bees from Central America, principally Honduras. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 98 (No. 3233):429-490. (distribution); Orr et al., 2018Orr, M.C., J.P. Pitts & T. Griswold 2018. Revision of the bee group Anthophora (Micranthophora) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), with notes on potential conservation concerns and a molecular phylogeny of the genus. Zootaxa 4511 (1):1-193.:124 ( listed as synonym of Anthophora squammulosa Dours, 1869).